When I was an intern, one of my attendings told me that I was “too nice.” He said it to mean that I needed to toughen up to “make it” as an emergency medicine (EM) physician, and that the alternative might be fatal. To give some context, this attending was of the direct, overly sarcastic, wry sense of humor variety. In the end, I left that shift alarmed, with a …
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October is the epitome of academic conference season. Returning home, suitcase laden, and a belt-hole wider from lost promises of exercise, and plans to “watch what I eat” while on the road, I am ready to get back into my routine. All the same, I come back refreshed by a new flavor to the mundane routine of conference experiences past. At the three conferences that I attended this fall, women …
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Every day, millions of women across the United States find themselves in predicaments confronting the quality of their appearance. And their makeup. While this may seem a non-issue in the emergency medicine world, it is something that you, as a female professional, or that your female colleagues, have no doubt encountered. Before walking out the door, you have to consider not just what means of transport to take to …
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