It was during my general surgery rotation that I had an encounter with a urologist attending while waiting for pending surgery to occur. As we made small talk about the medical field, our conversation gravitated toward the topic of medical school admissions. The attending shared their opinion on the pressing issue of diversity among medical students, specifically in terms of socioeconomic status (SES). They discussed how the lack of representation from lower-income backgrounds not only impedes inclusivity in medical school classes, but also diminishes the overall diversity of perspectives in health care. Coming from a low socioeconomic background myself, the conversation inspired me to explore the relationship between childhood income and the chances of acceptance into medical school.
In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the need for diversity and inclusivity within the medical field. As health care continues to evolve, the need for equitable representation becomes more crucial. Recent research has shown that applicants from lower-income households face unique challenges in their journey to medical school from standardized testing to opportunities that can increase their chances of applying and acceptance to medical school. The “unique” challenges are obvious: unequal access to resources limited by income. Income inequality can shape numerous aspects of an individual’s life, ranging from the ability to attend better-resourced school to access to test preparation services and tutors. This advantage can obscure the potential of talented individuals from lower-income backgrounds who may lack the resources to pursue such avenues.
Beyond experience preparation, another hurdle associated with medical school acceptance: the rising costs of the application costs and medical education. According to a report by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), the median 4-year cost of attendance was a staggering $250,222 for public vs. $330,180 for private schools. However, these numbers only scratch the surface. Aspirating medical students must also navigate through expenses beyond education, such as application fees, professional attire for interviews, and the cost of traveling to attend those interviews. Each of these expenses represents additional barriers for students struggling with limited resources. It’s not merely about affording an education; it’s about affording the process of obtaining that education.
This is not to say that there haven’t been any initiatives to address the costs of medical school training. The AAMC has taken initiatives to mitigate these financial obstacles through its Fee Assistance Program. This program is tailored for students at a certain income level to alleviate the financial burden of applying to medical school. Individual schools have instituted their own scholarships and grants based on merit or financial need-based criteria. While these initiatives are steps in the right direction, medical schools should continue to expand their scholarship and grant offerings that will allow them to better tap into a pool of individuals who can bring unique perspectives and experiences to the medical field.
Overcoming these barriers requires a concerted effort from the medical community to provide equitable opportunities for all aspiring physicians, regardless of financial background. By dismantling these obstacles, we can foster a more diverse and inclusive health care workforce that truly mirrors the diverse populations we aim to serve.
Carter Do is a medical student.