My take: Diagnosis, Big Dig, ED waits

1) Outrage that the VA would pressure counselors not to diagnose PTSD to save money.

No surprise. People revolt against private insurers who deny care to control costs. They’ll soon find out that the government will be no different.

2) The WSJ called Massachusetts’ health care plan the “new Big Dig”.

Having lived in Boston for 10 or so years, I felt the brunt of the real Big Dig. Calling something a new Big Dig are damning words indeed.

This is precisely when happens when universal coverage is promised without considering cost controls. Furthermore, their plan of cutting payments to hospitals and physicians is tremendously short-sighted, as this will further worsen already bad physician access.

Thankfully, I’m in New Hampshire now. The taxpayers of Massachusetts are not so lucky.

3) A letter to the editor, complaining about an ED wait.

Pain can certainly be distressing, but not all causes of severe pain are life threatening. What patients need to understand is the limited resources emergency rooms have. It is not feasible to treat everyone instantly. There will be some cases where patients, after being appropriately triaged, will have to wait long periods in significant discomfort.
