The digital fecal occult blood test is worthless

(Sorry for the unappetizing picture – the test on the left is a negative fecal occult test, the right is positive.)

I never rely solely on a digital fecal occult blood test for colorectal cancer screening. The take-home fecal occult test is a more helpful test:

The digital fecal occult blood test was positive in only 5 percent of patients with tumors or large, precancerous growths called polyps; the take-home test found 24 percent.

The study stated that 1/3 of physicians rely on the digital fecal test – this study should elevate the minimum standard to the take-home fecal occult test. Of course, the more comprehensive options are the flexible sigmoidoscopy (in combination with a yearly take-home fecal occult test) every 5 years, or the colonoscopy every 10 years.
