Spring is here. The days are getting longer. The temperature is slowly getting warmer. Green stuff will start poking through the ground and popping out on trees. We’ll see more of our neighbors, since they won’t be trying to get from their cars into their houses (and vice versa) as quickly as possible before they freeze.
Pollen allergies will start up again. And grass allergies.
So many people suffer from the watery, itchy eyes, itchy, runny nose, sneezy, general ickiness of seasonal allergies. And there are so many remedies in the aisle of the pharmacy — no prescription needed.
Several years ago, I spent the better part of an afternoon exasperated with our youngest son, who was maybe eight years old at the time. This was quite unusual. Unheard of, actually. Son number three tends not to piss us off. But he was acting really obnoxious. Not listening. Acting unruly. I was getting angrier at his behavior.
Then my husband (an engineer, mind you, not a doctor) said, “Didn’t you give him that antihistamine a few hours ago?” Right. He had had a reaction to some mosquito bites, so his pediatrician had told me to give him cetirizine to help quell the itchy welts.
The doctor hadn’t realized that her kid was reacting to a medication that affects the central nervous system.
As soon as my husband pointed out the obvious, my anger disappeared (replaced with a healthy dose of guilt), and I did a much better job of soothing my agitated son. And as soon as the drug was out of his system, he returned to his normal, sweet self.
The fact that something is available over-the-counter does not mean that it is completely safe/benign/without risk. This holds true for allergy meds, cold meds, or any medication for that matter.
Always read the bottle of a medication to see what potential side effects might be. Don’t drive when taking a medication unless you know how that medicine affects you, and you are certain you can drive safely. Don’t take more than the recommended amount. Remember that any medication can interact with any other medication and that alcohol can interact with any medication.
Different people react differently to different things. Our middle son had taken that particular antihistamine without any negative effects. Don’t assume that if a certain medication is fine for one person that it’s fine for another, or that if one person has difficulty with a particular medication that it’s bad for someone else. Talk to your doctor and your pharmacist with any concerns or questions.
A couple weeks ago, I was at the tail end of a cold. Our family was out in the car, and my eyes were itching and running non-stop. I had a post-nasal drip going, and I was sneezing every two minutes. It was miserable. I needed an anti-histamine.
So we swung by a CVS, and I picked up a small bottle of cetirizine. I took one. Within about an hour, my eyes were significantly better, and my sneezing frequency was cut in half. But for a short while I felt a little drowsy — almost as if I had had a glass of wine.
Available without a prescription does not mean without potential consequences. Only take something if you really need it. Read labels. Ask questions. Watch for reactions. Listen to your body.
And enjoy getting back outside.
Abigail Schildcrout is founder, Practical Medical Insights, and blogs at DocThoughts.