A cancer-stricken man has a new penis constructed

“In October 2004, the patient had skin removed from the inside of his mouth, which Bird then rolled into a tube to create a new, longer urethra. The patient was given six months to heal.

Ten days ago, doctors selected a relatively hairless part of the man’s outer thigh to make the shaft of the penis . . .

. . . But leaving the blood vessels attached presented another challenge – how to get the skin from the thigh to the groin area without snipping its tethers.

To do this, the doctors made a tunnel under the skin and fed the piece of flesh through to the groin area. There it was rolled into the shape of a shaft and connected to the artificial urethra.

From there, Lee worked to reattach the nerves to the stump of the man’s former penis and sculpt a passable head for it.”
