Update on the binging Dad prior to bariatric surgery

Disgust was the reaction at how he didn’t “get it” prior to bariatric surgery. His surgeon did the smart thing and held off on the surgery until he stops binging. Smart thing, since a non-compliant patient like this likely would have had a poor outcome:

His surgeon won’t operate until he drops 40 pounds and gains some new perspective.

“It couldn’t have went any worse,” said Chris “Tiger” Stockbridge, 34, who claims he’Â’s a changed man, finally ready to follow doctor’s orders and submit to a life of oatmeal, salad and fish, if that’s what it takes.

“I felt a little bit ashamed of myself,” he said. “I wasn’t ashamed of the binge I went on, but I was ashamed about the way I was living.”

If he really wanted the surgery, I’m not sure going to the press and parading his binge was the smart thing to do.
