More attacks on the Canadian health care system:

In an interesting parallel with socialist arguments against school vouchers in America, socialist defenders of “free” health care in Canada warn that allowing private clinics will “drain the public system of doctors and nurses.” This is tantamount to an admission that doctors, nurses, and patients are unhappy with the current system, though of course defenders of the status quo don’t recognize that is what they are saying. Similarly, Americans who attack vouchers because students will flee the government schools are in fact making a wonderful argument for vouchers: they implicitly admit that when parents are allowed to “vote with their feet,” they opt for capitalism over socialism.

Much of what is driving the surreptitious (or at times, openly defiant) move towards a market in health care is the utter failure of the socialist model to deliver services in a timely manner. That is, the surgeries don’t run on time. Waiting periods between initial consultation and treatment can run months or even years, causing many Canadians to bolt south to American hospitals to buy privately what they cannot beg from their own government.

(via a reader tip by Maggie’s Farm)
