Post Author: Scott Abramson, MD

Scott Abramson MD

Scott Abramson practiced neurology with Kaiser Permanente Northern California for over 40 years, from 1979 to 2020. Throughout those years, Dr. Abramson was passionately involved in physician communication and physician wellness endeavors. Some of his insights and stories from his experiences in these endeavors can be found in video format on his YouTube website channel: Doctor Wisdom.

Others are available in his recently published book, titled Bedside Manners, for Physicians and Everybody Else. What they don’t teach in medical school or any other school.

While retired from neurology, Dr. Abramson remains actively engaged in physician communication and physician wellness pursuits. He has conducted numerous workshops in these areas and has personally coached many physicians. He has developed programs on time management, physician-patient communication, marriage in medicine, burnout, the threatened physician, difficult conversations, storytelling, and his favorites: “The Secret of Happiness” and “What The Great Wisdom of Country Music Can Teach Physicians.” He takes pleasure in delivering talks on these and other subjects.
