Post Author: Dawn Sears, MD

Dawn Sears, MD

Dawn Sears is a gastroenterologist and can be reached on Twitter @GutGirlMD, YouTube, and at GutGirlMD Consulting.

Dr. Sears is passionate about helping physicians thrive in health care. She is a successful wellness grant recipient who ran a two-year women leaders in medicine program which moved the needle for engagement, retention and burnout.

Her latest passion is forming GutGirlMD Consulting to provide a roadmap to formulating women in medicine programs at any institution, consulting and executive coaching. She works with organizations to leverage their strengths and understand their unique challenges to create thriving environments to help retain their most valuable asset: their physicians. You can download a free 18-page PDF of business cases, agendas, timelines, budgets, and sample surveys for your women in medicine program.

Dr. Sears is also the lead author of the papers, Evaluation of gastric bypass patients 1 year after surgery: changes in quality of life and obesity-related conditions and Frequency and clinical outcome of capsule retention during capsule endoscopy for GI bleeding of obscure origin.
