FoxNews column: Solving hospital bullying requires everyone to share the blame

My latest column, discussing hospital bullying, has been published on Bullies In Hospitals?

Recently, Theresa Brown wrote a New York Times op-ed on the issue, which generated some controversial feedback, including how I thought it was unfair to single out physicians, and how the piece perpetuated doctor bashing in the media.

I aim for a more balanced take, where I discuss how hospital bullying starts at the genesis of physician training, and requires everyone — not just doctors —  to both share the blame and take part in solutions:

I wonder if the issue is more complicated than simply blaming physicians. Most doctors I know harbor nothing but the greatest respect for nurses, and realize how important they are to quality patient care. It seems unfair to tar them with such a broad stroke …

… Targeting the toxic culture that perpetuates the problem requires everyone to share responsibility.  Not just doctors, but nurses, hospital administration, and medical educators as well.  Only when every stakeholder is part of the solution do we stand a better chance of eliminating bullying behavior in hospitals altogether.

Enjoy the piece.
