For students studying at Caribbean medical schools, success in the residency match is a major concern. And it should be, because Caribbean medical students have unique challenges. At the same time, strategizing early in your medical school career can significantly impact your ultimate success.
Here are five rules that are critical in residency match success:
1. Yes, your exam score matters. The reality of the current day residency match is that programs …
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As a faculty member, I’ve encountered many medical students excelling inside and outside of the classroom. Students can be recognized for their contributions through scholarships, awards, and grants. Whenever I can, I try to direct students to these opportunities. It’s been a great joy for me to help students win scholarships, and here’s what I’ve learned from award recipients.
1. Your ability to develop strong relationships with faculty mentors is crucial …
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As a member of the medical school admissions committee, I’ve interviewed many amazing applicants. Here’s what I wish I could say to them:
1. Your interview performance is critical. As interviewers, we’re amazed by the quality of today’s applicants. In fact, many of us wonder if we would get into med school today. “I can’t believe how much she’s done,” is something I hear time and time again from my colleagues. The sad …
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