Year: 2009

What do doctors look for when they examine the abdomen?

A primary care doctor guides us through the abdominal physical exam.

He deciphers the much-written notation of “Abd: Soft, NT, Normal BS, no HSM or masses*,” and explains what physicians look for when they poke, prod, percuss, and listen to when examining a patient’s belly.

You’d be surprised at some of the things we find simply by pressing on the abdomen.

* For those who need translation, …

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Jett Travolta’s seizure and death, was Scientology a factor?

Jett Travolta tragically passed away yesterday, after being found unconscious in his hotel room by his caretaker. There is speculation that he had a seizure and hit his head on a bathtub.

Travolta apparently had a long history of medical problems, including Kawasaki disease, which is a vasculitis that primarily affects children. It is one of the most common causes of acquired heart disease in children, and …

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