Health Care Reform, From the Ground Up

We are health care. It’s a simple phrase but its worth repeating. We are health care. We are what our patients needs; not more insurance, or mandates, or lip service and empty promises from politicians. So why wait for the AMA or the insurance industry or, heaven forbid, Uncle Sam to find a solution when one exists already.

The answer is simple and reconnects us with the sacred bond of patients and physicians by removing the insurance middle man for primary care.

All physicians should ask themselves the following questions:

1) Do you want to have the luxury of time, allowing you to provide superb care to your patients?
2) Do you want to be financially rewarded for your skill, while still saving the patients thousands of dollars?
3) Would you to escape the current beast of billing, ICD-9 codes, high volume, low efficiency practices?
4) Would you like to enjoy medicine again?

Did you answer yes to these questions? Then you might be interested in Direct Medical Practices. Over the next several days, I’ll answer all your questions, provide countless success stories, and hopefully convince you to join.
