It’s nice to have the state Supreme Court in your pocket. Less than 7 months after Wisconsin got rid of caps, lawyers enjoy a malpractice windfall of $8.4 million:

A Dane County jury this week awarded $8.4 million, including $4.25 million in damages for pain and suffering, to a patient who had suffered serious health problems following surgery. The former cap on such noneconomic damages in Wisconsin was $445,000. Wisconsin has not limited awards for medical expenses and other tangible economic losses.

“There are no guarantees in medicine. No matter how skilled or how careful a doctor may be, risks still exist,”” said Mark Belknap, MD, president of the Wisconsin Medical Society. ““Of course, we’re all saddened when a patient’s outcome doesn’t turn out as everybody hoped, but the health care system can’t afford many multi-million dollar awards for noneconomic damages, as is clear from other states in crisis,” added Dr. Belknap.

The Wisconsin Medical Society already is hearing reports that it’Â’s becoming more difficult to recruit physicians to Wisconsin because word is out about the state’Â’s changed medical liability environment.
