A doctor in the UK is under fire for mistreating a child’s asthma

“A sobbing mum yesterday accused a GP of treating her dying son worse than a dog. Heartbroken Michelle Hynes said Dr Julie Mallon refused to accept that eight-year-old Owen Charleston was having a life-threatening asthma attack.

Michelle branded the doctor rude and patronising and claimed that she dismissed Owen’s attack as”a wee stushie”.

Owen collapsed in the surgery later that day and died soon after . . .

. . . Michelle said she asked Dr Mallon to treat Owen with a nebuliser – a machine which creates a fine mist of drugs so asthma sufferers can breathe them in. But she said Dr Mallon demanded that Owen’s aunt go home and fetch a mask used in the procedure.

The mum alleged: “She told me the masks cost between £20 and £30. I had alarm bells sounding in my head. It was really bizarre.”

Michelle said she could not understand why Dr Mallon would not provide a mask.”

Cost should never enter a treatment equation – especially in a case of life-threatening asthma.
