Anger management: A doctor in Canada is disciplined for swearing at patients

“None of the complainants can be identified, but the daughter of one patient testified that, when she drove almost 20 kilometres to his office to pick up a prescription for her elderly father, Dr. Rathé came out of his office and said to her, ‘Assholes like you and your parents I don’t need.’

She told a college disciplinary panel that she was shocked by the remark, and when she questioned him about it, he told her that patients were a dime a dozen and he could always practise in the United States.

In another of a string of similar incidents, Mr. Sokolov described an office visit in which a daughter asked questions about the treatment the doctor was giving her 77-year-old mother. He said Dr. Rathé told her: ‘This is my domain. You don’t ask me questions in my domain.’ And, as the two were leaving, he told them ‘go and don’t come back,’ Mr. Sokolov said.”
