Colonoscopy still the best when compared to virtual colonoscopy

It’s not even close – virtual colonoscopy is still not ready for prime time:

When analysed on a per-patient basis, for lesions 10 mm or larger in size (n=63), the sensitivity of ACBE was 48% (95% CI 35-61), CTC 59% (46-71, p=0·1083 for CTC vs ACBE), and colonoscopy 98% (91-100, p<0·0001 for colonoscopy vs CTC). For lesions 6-9 mm in size (n=116), sensitivity was 35% for ACBE (27-45), 51% for CTC (41-60, p=0·0080 for CTC vs ACBE), and 99% for colonoscopy (95-100, p<0·0001 for colonoscopy vs CTC). For lesions of 10 mm or larger in size, the specificity was greater for colonoscopy (0·996) than for either ACBE (0·90) or CTC (0·96) and declined for ACBE and CTC when smaller lesions were considered. ACBE = air-contrast barium enema
CTC = CT colonoscopy

CI = confidence interval
