Merck withdraws Vioxx

Following up this previously written piece, today Merck pulls Vioxx from the market. Huge news – and what does the future hold for other COX-2’s, like Celebrex and Bextra?


Here is a link to the study leading to the withdrawal. Some key points:

1) There was an over 3-fold risk of acute MI and sudden cardiac death for those taking over 25mg of Vioxx.

2) CV risk was also increased in doses less than or equal to 25mg, but not significantly so.

3) CV risk was significantly higher with Vioxx than with Celebrex.

Update 2:

I was misinformed about the above study leading to the withdrawal, but the study is still relevent. The decision comes from a 3-year colorectal study using 25mg of Vioxx. If someone can send me a link to the study, it would be much appreciated.

Update 3:

Chris Rangel chimes in.

Uptdate 4:

Added Medpundit’s thoughts on the story.
