- ACP Prefers Cervical Cytology Over DNA Screens for Young Women. The American College of Physicians (ACP) said Pap smears should be the mainstay of cervical cancer screening in normal-risk women younger than 30, with molecular testing for human papilloma virus (HPV) reserved for older patients only.
- FDA Wants Data to Support Antiseptic Claims. Following up on a promise made last year, the FDA is proposing new rules governing topical healthcare antiseptics that will require manufacturers to submit hard data on their safety and effectiveness.
- U.S. Doctors Rush to Aid Nepal Relief Efforts. With the death toll continuing to climb in Nepal, physicians from major U.S. medical centers around the country are getting involved in the effort, including MedPage Today’s own Sanjay Gupta, MD.
- Halo Sign Aids Vasculitis Dx. The early “halo sign” seen on ultrasound of the temporal artery can be a helpful diagnostic factor in suspected giant cell arteritis (GCA).
Top stories in health and medicine, May 1, 2015
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