- Tools Help Consumers Find Healthcare Bargains. Patients who used an Internet price-transparency tool to shop for laboratory tests and imaging services cut their spending by 14% on lab tests and 13% on imaging, according to a recent study.
- Progesterone for TBI Flops in Big Trials. Progesterone treatment failed to help patients with severe acute traumatic brain injury (TBI) in two large, independent trials — in stark contrast to the positive results seen in two earlier trials.
- Groups Fault HHS Report on Medicaid Managed Care Providers. A government report finding that more than half of Medicaid managed care providers weren’t seeing Medicaid patients touches on an important issue but doesn’t tell the full story, according to Medicaid trade groups.
- Islet Tx May Preserve Insulin Function. Giving an autologous islet cell transplant to patients who’ve had pancreatic resection for chronic pancreatitis may preserve insulin production
Top stories in health and medicine, December 12, 2014
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