What is the most accurate medical show on television?

Believe it or not, some say it’s Scrubs.

Aside from the goofy and absurd moments, I’ve always found that the anecdotes in the show hit the right notes of medical training. Far more than, say, House or Grey’s Anatomy.

Slate agrees in this essay, and explains why: “Scrubs . . . is mostly about what happens at hospitals between crises””the way doctors and nurses handle ordinary cases. And doctors say that as a depiction of the residency process, the show hits strikingly familiar emotional notes. J.D. narrates nearly every episode in a voice-over, setting up jokes and transitions between bits, but also describing his thoughts and insecurities. Doctors say they recognize in J.D.’s internal monologue the real thought processes of a young doctor at work.”

I have to say, that somewhat rings true.

(via Duncan Cross)
