Choosing between a failed system and a system destined to failure

Well said, Dr. Centor:

Both government run single payer systems and our current insurance system have a common serious problem In both systems, the patient has no financial investment in decision making. Taking financial decision making away from patients leads them to want more, regardless of true value. Patients want CT scans for everything. They want the fancy DTC advertised drugs. They want to see a subspecialist whether that subspecialist would likely help them or not.

I’m not saying that patients should completely be consumers, which they are not equipped to do in hospitalized or emergency settings.

But having the patient bear some financial responsibility in non-urgent conditions is essential going forward. Specifically, cases where patients desire care above and beyond what is needed.

Wanting an MRI when a physician deems it unnecessary, or insisting on brand name medications when generics are appropriate for instance.

topics: single payer, health care reform
