Scenes from Pri-Med

Some observations from Pri-Med East 2007.

* The pharmaceutical exhibit hall seems toned down this year. No golf, origami, nor sleeping models this year. Still had the magician-drug rep and lots of coffee booths. Nothing gets a physician’s attention like caffeine.

* My bathroom handwash was brought to you by Amitiza, a medication for constipation.

* Not sure why some physicians insist in wearing their long white coats at a conference. We get it, you’re doctors, not drug reps.

* Also love those physicians who literally bring their rolling suitcases to bag the freebies given out by the pharmaceutical booths. Are they really that hard up for T-shirts and coffee mugs?

* Good lecture on new, novel drugs for primary care. Varenicline (thumbs up), aliskiren (mixed review), and sitagliptan (recommended only as second line) were discussed.

* The most popular booth in the exhibit hall? Scarf King. Not even close.

* The BCEC is nice, but what a rip-off for food. $9.75 for a calzone + drink, $4.00 for a small slice of pizza.
