Stossel in the WSJ

He takes on Michael Moore head on with his WSJ op-ed:

Patients in countries with government-run health care can’t get timely access to many basic medical treatments, never mind experimental treatments. That’s why, if you suffer from cancer, you’re better off in the U.S., which is home to the newest treatments and where patients have access to the best diagnostic equipment. People diagnosed with cancer in America have a better chance of living a full life than people in countries with socialized systems. Among women diagnosed with breast cancer, only one-quarter die in the U.S., compared to one-third in France and nearly half in the United Kingdom.

Mr. Moore thinks that profit is the enemy and government is the answer. The opposite is true. Profit is what has created the amazing scientific innovations that the U.S. offers to the world. If government takes over, innovation slows, health care is rationed, and spending is controlled by politicians more influenced by the sob story of the moment than by medical science.

His 20/20 special will be shown this Friday.
