The Lucidicus Project – Empowering Medical Students

Throughout each medical school lecture or small group discussion emphazing “my moral responsibility to sacrifice myself to society,” I struggled to express how damnable this concept was. It wasn’t until I read Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged that my eyes were opened to the truth.

Now, thankfully, Jared Rhoads has founded the Lucidicus Project to arm med students with the knowledge to proudly defend one of the world’s greatest careers.

“What makes the encroachment of state-run medicine possible is that doctors, by and large, are not philosophically equipped to defend themselves. They are told””and many believe””that the only proper motive for entering medicine is to help others. As a result, those who enter medicine for the self-motivated reasons of intellectual challenge, love of the field, and financial reward are made to feel a profound guilt over any material success they have achieved. This technique of inducing guilt gives the moral high ground to those in society who demand self-sacrifice and submission. Unable to advocate for their own rights, doctors come to accept and invite further intrusion into their field under the mistaken premise that such measures will achieve prosperity or ‘social justice.”

Interested medical students can receive free copies of The Medical Intellectual’s Self-Defense Kit, a collection of Ayn Rands writings and a free copy of her historic novel, Atlas Shrugged.
