Rumble in the health reform jungle

It’s Holt vs Hogberg:

. . . while I agree that there are serious problems with the U.S. health care system, I disagree on the solution. I think we need less government involvement and more freedom in the health care system, thereby letting free markets function properly. Holt would rather have us establish a government single-payer system.

Yet all of the studies I pointed to above compare the U.S. with single-payer systems. Since they show that single-payer systems are inferior in some vital ways, let me end this by asking Holt a question: Why do you want to give the U.S. a health care system that leads to more sickness and death?

Precisely. You will get no argument from me that the US health care system is in sad shape. However, implementing a single-payer, “Medicare-for-all”, pseudo-VA or some other government-run system will exchange the devil we know for something that may be far, far worse.
