"What has William McGuire done to advance the cause of medicine?"

That’s a question we’re all wondering. He’s simply an opportunist who takes advantage of the broken system, giving shame to his medical degree:

So what has McGuire done to warrant his $1.1 billion farewell package? He’s done what Wall Street investment banks have done for decades. He positioned himself and his company at the choke point of money.

UnitedHealth and other managed care providers have essentially become medical brokers, making money at the expense of an inefficient system.

They may allow doctors to make treatment decisions, but they ultimately decide who gets paid and who doesn’t. They are the arbiters of capital in the medical community, and for that, they extract a hefty price.

On Wall Street, brokers get their price from us in the form of commissions. On Med Street, it’s in the form of premiums.

The end result is the same.
