Pfizer fears blog backlash on Exubera

I’ve been calling Exubera a dog for awhile. Apparently, this blogger agrees. BusinessWeek with more (btw, they stole my “irrational Exubera” headline):

Janet Ruhl may be Pfizer Inc.’s worst nightmare. Ruhl, who injects a small amount of insulin each day to control her diabetes, has been dissing Pfizer’s soon-to-debut diabetes remedy on her new blog and on a Web discussion group. The treatment, Exubera, is the first product that lets diabetics inhale insulin powder rather than inject the drug. But Ruhl, a 57-year-old software developer and author from Gill, Mass., says she thinks Exubera will be hard to use and could cause lung damage. “It looks like a terrible idea,” Ruhl says.

(via PharmaGossip)
