The Pope is in grave condition

It appears that the Pope is suffering from an episode of urosepsis. The articles states that he has elected to stay at home, rather be transported to a hospital.

Treatment at this time involves intravenous antibiotics. With a description of septic shock (i.e. the inability to maintain a blood pressure due to the infection spreading to the blood), the Pope is in critical condition. Most of these cases require treatment and monitoring in an intensive care unit. Fluids would have to be given to help maintain a blood pressure, and in cases where this is not enough, vasopressors are initiated.

There is also a description of congestive heart failure – which is understandable since septic shock places significant strain on the heart.

During this time, the hope is that the antibiotics given will appropriately fight off the infection, thus improving the cardiovascular status. The fact that the Pope has many other comorbidities complicates the picture, and makes recovery more difficult.
