Is Children’s Advil responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths?

Following up yesterday’s story on the lawsuit against Children’s Advil, the attorney for the plaintiff states:

This is the equivalent of a medical tsunami — there was no warning put out whatsoever on this apparently benign, over-the-counter medicine.

Just a bit over-the-top, don’t you think? Clearly a statement from someone who is blinded by the dollar signs of lawsuits.

Medpundit puts him in his place:

I’m not sure how an illness that strikes 2 to 3 people per million world wide over the course of a year qualifies as a natural disaster on the scale of tsunami that kills over 100,000 people within the blink of an eye, except that they’re both due to uncontrollable forces of nature.

A really poor choice of analogy on the lawyer’s part.
